In this episode I talk with Lachlan White , General Manager of Technology at LAB3 . L AB3 is a company that empowers ambitious organisations to modernise, transform and grow fearlessly through controlled, automated, and scala...
In this episode I talk with Lachlan White, General Manager of Technology at LAB3. LAB3 is a company that empowers ambitious organisations to modernise, transform and grow fearlessly through controlled, automated, and scalable cloud technology. Lachlan and I talk about how LAB3 have found success powered by Code and driven by Innovation. We also talk about the reality of what it is to be a born in the cloud native IT practitioner and how DevOps, Infrastructure as Code and any automation challenges the previous generation of IT born in virtualization with a hint of the physical. Lachlan explains his approach to making both worlds work together to produce the right outcome for their customers... a must listen to anyone trying to work out modern platform operations.
LAB3 was founded in 2017 and is head quartered out of the Melbourne, Australia.
Web: https://www.lab3.com.au/
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Music: https://www.bensound.com
Could always do with a coffee!
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